Friday, April 10, 2015

Random Thoughts and Streamlining Goals

So, I'm not sure where this post is going to end up going. Hopefully not to scattered, but my mind is kind of reeling with where I'm at now and what I want to do or should be doing.

Yesterday I completed Day 3 of my second round of Whole30, today it ended, and.... I'm totally ok with that! I did my first round of Whole30 in June of 2014. I followed it to a tee, not cheating one bit and had great results with it! The problem, the rebound. It... was... HORRIBLE!!! Once I was done I ate and ate whatever I couldn't have. Overtime got discouraged, stopped working out, stopped eating clean and gained most of the weight and inches back that I had lost.

The whole time I was on Whole30 I was not myself. I was in a bit of a fog, grouchy, and honestly the last week I hardly ate anything because I was so tired of what I had to eat but I still wanted to finish since I was almost done. But I lost weight, I lost inches, and I did actually "feel" pretty good. I don't have any allergies or intolerance and I did not cure my sugar addiction.

Fast Forward to January and I did a mini-Whole30 of 14 days. It was totally intentional to be so short as we had some family events that would be happening I knew I didn't want to miss out. I did great that time! I didn't have the headaches, the fogginess, I wasn't as much as a grouch and I even had some of that Tiger Blood the Whole30 talks about.

Now to this week, it was AWFUL! I have no idea why, I wasn't eating any worse now compared to  back in January but I was so disoriented and confused. I know it was all part of the detoxification process and getting rid of those sugar addictions but to me, at this point, it's just not worth it. I agreed with my husband that if I had an experience like I did the first time then I would stop. So, that's where I'm at.  I'm not doing another round of Whole30 at this time. Do I feel like a quitter? Absolutely not! If I gained anything from my first and complete round of Whole30 it's that I have an extreme attached relationship with food and although it's good to live without certain foods it's also not healthy for me to feel like I live in a food prison.  

I learned that I can live without certain things and function, even if it's not 100% of what I would like it to be. I've also learned what works for me and my body, I think that's kind of the whole point of Whole30 don't you? Even they tell you it's not meant to be long term. So even though I mostly felt crummy during the process, I did actually gain something from Whole30. It was more then just pounds or inches lost, it was me learning to be completely honest with the way I view food. Do I think everyone should give it a go? Sure! Do I think it's for everyone? Absolutely not! You will just have to try for yourself and see. Sorry if that doesn't help you much, but it really is an individual experience.

So, where does that leave me? Well, I know I will continue to eat clean that to me is simply the best. Eating clean means different things to everyone and for me I have an idea what will work and will continue to figure out what's best for me. I know I won't be 100% clean, but I will be at least 80% and realistically should be closer to 90% to get to my goal. 

I need to track my portions!!! I'm not sure if I will be using a Weight Watchers Points system or if I will just log my calories in My Fitness Pal or both until I figure it out. I need to be more consistent with my workouts. I have struggled with being consistent with my workouts for sometime now. My goal at this point is to just...get...moving! I will spend the next couple of weeks trying to narrow that down and get specific goals but for now I think 30 minutes 3-4x week would be good.

 I know there are no quick fixes and I want this to be a lifestyle change and this to me is what is going to work, for me!

What are some of your goals that you are working on?

**Disclaimer: My blog posts are about my journey and what is working for me. I am not a Registered Dietician, a Certified Trainer or a Medical Doctor. Please always consult with your Healthcare Provider before starting any diet or exercise program. 

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